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OCC E-Bike policy

Guidelines on the use of E-Bikes on OCC Club Rides

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Accident Report Form

Please dwonload the attached form

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Reliability Ride, 4th Feb 2024

132 riders braved gale force winds last Sunday morning to take part in the Club's Reliability Ride

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Bakers & volunteers needed for Reliability Ride, 4th Feb 2024

We need volunteers on 4th Feb to help with rider registration at the Buttercross and others to help with the post-ride cafe at the Clubhouse. We also need a small army of bakers to deliver delicious cakes to the Clubhouse on 3rd Feb.

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Reliability Ride - 4th Feb 2024

Every year the Club arranges a Reliability Ride to test a rider’s winter training. Last year, over 150 riders took part in this ride. Come and join the fun with rides of 90 km and 50 km.

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Xmas dinner raffle, Dec 2023

Donations required

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Saturday Evening Christmas Dinner, 16 Dec 2023

This year the Club is holding a Christmas Dinner on the evening of Saturday, 16th December at Westbourne House, Otley. Follow the link on the web page to make your booking and menu choices. Bookings close 18.00 on Thursday, 14th December.

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Contact Us

Find out how to get in touch

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Ron Kitching Library at Club House

Ron Kitching, was one of the most influential cycle trade figures since the war. His collection of books and archive materials, is housed on the top floor of our Club building.

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Adding a new article to the Club website

OCC members now have the opportunity to post new articles and news items directly on to the Club website.

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