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PHGS children's coaching

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Otley Cycle Club laid on a series of Friday summer evening cycle coaching sessions for children at Prince Henry’s in June, July and September 2022 and is planning to put on similar sessions in 2023.

These sessions are aimed at primary-aged children between year 1 and year 6 and aims to improve confidence and skills when riding a bike in a safe and fun environment. We aim to foster a love of cycling through fun and exciting activities under the careful supervision of our British Cycling qualified coaching team.

The coaching sessions are run in 3 or 4 weekly blocks with sign-on at 6.15pm to allow bikes to be checked over before the start at 6.30pm. The sessions last around 1 hour, ending at 7.30pm and at the end of each session there will be a short presentation session where our coveted "rider of the week" awards will be handed out!

Please note the following:

• We ask that all riders can ride their bikes independently (i.e., without stabilisers) before attending these sessions.
• Parents should remain at the school during the session.
• Children must bring their own bikes. Our coaches will give them a once-over before the session to ensure that they are safe to ride.
• All children must wear a helmet at all times.
• Children should be dressed appropriately for cycling, with no loose clothing that can snag on their bikes. Obviously, we hope for lovely sunny weather every week, but if the weather changes during the session, it always helps to have a coat!

Rider numbers will be strictly limited to ensure the quality of the sessions, so when dates are announced don't delay in signing up!