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B Section & Zephyr (or Thurs B Section) rides

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22 riders joined the B Section ride to Askham Richard in June 2022

B Section

Riders meet every fortnight on Sunday at the Buttercross leaving at 9.15 am. Section rides at a steady 13 - 15 mph on the flat, regrouping where necessary. Rides typically cover 40-50 miles in winter and 50-80 miles in summer.

Unlike the Social Series, if a rider chooses to leave the group, they may not always be accompanied on their return, so be prepared to navigate yourself home.

Zephyr (or Thursday B Section) rides

"Zephyr" rides, so named because they are more than a BREEZE and less than a STORM. A subset of the B Section rides, these rides leave every other Thursday (10 am) from the Buttercross for a medium distance, typically 60 miles, and a bit of climbing. Routes chosen according to the weather and other factors on the day, but all tried and tested many times before.

Find out about recent B Section rides via the Otley Cycle Club Members Group page on Facebook.